On Knowing One’s Beliefs


A genuine badass individual, in order to promote inner tranquility and freedom for all, may (or may not) choose to follow or practice a religion, philosophy, or a particular belief structure. Upon making an educated effort to ascertain the foundations, origins, and historical facts of said religion, philosophy, or particular belief structure, one becomes secure enough in one’s own badass state of being to allow others the very same freedoms. Like one of those badass peaceful manatees, all cute and cuddly and shit.

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Badass Manatees

A Badass is secure enough in his/her own beliefs to learn the traditions and rituals of others and not feel threatened by them. Hate comes from fear. That’s right. I said it. Know this Sugar-Cheeks, and don’t forget it: hate (for anything or anyone) comes from fear. Fear comes from the unknown. The unknown to you is your own ignorance. So basically, if you fear someone or something (a person of another culture, a religion, a gay coworker, a straight politician, a juicy-ass Jerusalem cricket, your neighbor’s Doberman Pinscher) it’s because you don’t have an understanding or any familiarity with that someone or something. So, if you hate something or someone due to fear, NEWS FLASH: your ass is ignorant. BOOM. Don’t you argue with me, honeychile. Just sit your ass down and meditate on that sweet-ass shit for a while.




Welcome back. ॐ

I’ll tell you what the problem is . . . it falls within our own goddamned domestication. We weren’t often taught as children at home or in school to venture outside of our own comfort zone and get to know others. We stay away from the people, we preach our own beliefs, we kill the bugs (and sometimes the animals and people). We are taught only to compete with others, feel sorry for others, or stay away from others. Violence is given more tolerance than tolerance itself.

Let’s go down the rabbit hole a bit and dare ask . . . who the hell benefits from fear? You? Me? Certainly not the Badass individual. But like good little puppets, fearful individuals do buy a lot of motherfuckin’ shit . . . .

On Knowing One’s People


A badass individual elects and appoints a worthy assembly as one’s badass company, choosing to congregate with those who share a similar high level of integrity, and excluding or expelling any and all individuals exhibiting disorderly, disrespectful, destructive and/or self-destructive behavior. Like a Badass motherfuckin’ tree. Or a healthy garden plant, perhaps.

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Trees are Badasses

“A tree? A plant? WTF?” you ask.

That’s right. Nature’s trees are our steadfast teachers. Good thing for us, whether we reside in the city or countryside, they’re all around us. Why? Because nature itself is a true Badass that cannot be stopped. Wise up and observe, princess. Trees will push up through some thick ass concrete, grow through a chainlink fence, and “play dead” over a snowy winter only to yield delicious fruit for your hungry ass in the warmer months.

Those sweet-assed bastards.

Scarred, but showing no fear. Cast out and abandoned, but never hesitating to get its needs met by any means necessary. Chopped the fuck up, but never holding back from giving homes, shade, oxygen, and nourishment to those in need. Trees are no sheltered, selfish bastards. Hell, no. Trees are Badasses in the truest sense of the word.

These mighty warriors see that life’s elements and environments can be harsh, yet life’s outcome is always what you make of that shit. A tree needs sunshine to thrive, so that motherfucker will grow its way around any obstacle to get itself some sunshine. He doesn’t stay stuck in a situation that isn’t good for him simply because it’s comfortable and he’s used to it. A tree knows that if she’s not growing, she’s dying, so rather than wait for some asshole to *finally* adore her, she looks out for her own ass, getting what she needs before she can give, as should we.

A Badass is kind to one’s self, not afraid to out-grow and leave behind any environment that is not nourishing to one’s growth and well-being. Or else one is a stupid-ass.



We, the Badasses of the world, in Order to form a more Badass state of Being, assume personal Integrity, promote inner Tranquility, avoid unnecessary drama, think Logically, laugh heartily, and share the Blessings of badass Freedom with ourselves and with all future generations, do ordain and establish this Badass Constitution.

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Preamble for the Badass Constitution